Today I am a little melancholy – for I have had reluctantly to face the fact that summer is well and truly over, and winter is closer than I would have wished.
Our cattle have gone! I can no longer pretend to myself that I just can’t see them because they happen to be in the one area of their meadow which it isn’t visible from here. Their pasture looks forlorn and dreary, desolate in the grey November weather, and the tree whose leafy branches they nibbled on, now bare leans at an un-natural angle, like an old gravestone – a winter reminder of my summer friends.
(My boys, a little earlier in the week, on a misty morning.)
However, I am not entirely without creature-company, for the small flock of sheep in the paddock outside my studio window are not only still in residence, but have been joined by a very handsome and well-endowed male. (he was acting coy when I photographed him.) I was busily occupied on the computer the other day when I looked up to see him making eyes at me through the window – and very sexy dark-ringed eyes he has too!
As you can imagine, this has caused me a great deal of excitement, for perhaps not only will the sheep remain in their paddock, but maybe we shall have the pleasure of little lambs a-frolicking in the New Year. Certainly Rambo has gone about his business quite assiduously, for several of his girls show very obvious signs of their promiscuous behaviour. Not only do I find him extremely attractive, but those ladies on whom he has not yet bestowed his charm, follow behind him like a little fan club, as he saunters distainfully around his domain.
One of the girls seems to have been totally overcome with excitement – or perhaps his passion literally left her weak at the knees.
Anyway, all the goings on just outside my window here have helped to make up for the loss of my bovine chums, who sadly are probably even now on their way to a local butcher. Goodness, I’ve just realised, we’re having steak and kidney casserole for dinner tomorrow……. oh dear …. that does seem a little insensitive under the circumstances!