Sunday 22 March 2009


‘News of my demise is a little premature’ – or words to that effect – were famously pronounced when someone saw his own Obituary in the Times.

These words sprang to mind immediately when yesterday, looking up from washing the dishes I saw dear old Butch, ‘our’ late-lamented ageing horse meander into view in the paddock below. ‘Oh Wow!’ I screamed - being by myself there was no one to hear, or watch as I dashed outside to take a closer look. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as Butch hasn’t made an appearance since the beginning of the year, and we had mourned his passing. I ran back indoors exultant, singing unaccountably at the top of my voice – ‘Horsey, Horsey, don’t you stop’. But when I looked back out of the window Butch was gone.

He didn’t appear again all morning, nor whilst we were having lunch. Even as I described to John my huge delight at having seen the missing nag once more, I began to wonder if it had all been a dream, or a mirage? It had been one of those hazy sunlit mornings, when everything takes on a sort of ethereal appearance, and though I looked over the hedge into his field several times there was no sign of him anywhere.

Easter might still be a couple of weeks’ away, but we have already had a Second-Coming here in our little bit of this green and pleasant land. As we sat enjoying an after-lunch coffee in the warm sunshine on our balcony, Butch hove into view. He sauntered about looking full of vigor and very spruce - in fact his fettle was very fine indeed - whilst we two, with silly smiles on our faces, were contentedly aware what pleasure is to be found in life’s unexpected little happenings.

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