Monday 22 June 2009

'Dearest Daddy'

Such a happy Fathers’ Day – with cards, presents and telephone calls from as far afield as Australia, Wales, and Scotland, we drove down to Hampshire at lunchtime where Kim, bless her, gave her Daddy a very special day.

A ginormous coffee cake on arrival, strawberry picking in nearby fields with the family, a superb chicken meal with potatoes and asparagus freshly gathered, then his favourite desserts – treacle tart, AND a monumental strawberry meringue …… what a Happy Daddy.

It was a real pleasure to savour the teenage grandkids – it’s a cliché, of course to comment on how they’ve grown, but all seem to have matured considerably since we saw them (only a couple of months ago), and they are all ripening into full-flavoured, fruity adults of the rarest and most exceptional variety!

A bowl of huge and colourful roses on the kitchen table, strolling round the garden this morning in the sunshine surveying the vegetable plot, decamping with some of the cake and tart, strawberries, and a batch of freshly laid eggs, then driving home across countryside exuberant with elderflower in full bloom (reminding us of the fragrant home-made elderflower cordial we had so enjoyed last evening) …. Memories, as they say, are made of this.

Thank you all x

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