Sunday, 10 April 2011

"...... now that April's here" (Part 2)

We have been been enjoying several days of really warm summer sunshine this past week (temperatures of 20deg. and above - which is amazing considering it is early April), so today we have been doing a bit of work in the garden.    The lawns are all beautifully mown, and edged, and the flower beds generally titivated, dead winter detritus has been cut back, and the garden looks just lovely (..... and we are both sunburnt!).

I just HAD to go round with my camera to capture some of the blooms which are filling the garden with colour right now, and here are the results........

... and Kim, this shrub is blooming from the cutting I took from your garden....

Of course we all know how capricious our climate is in this country, so we fully expect a snowstorm in May!    Meanwhile however, we are making the most of this barbecue weather in April.

" .......... now that April's here."

Spring has arrived in abundance down here in Somerset, and most exciting of all has been the arrival of six sheep and sixteen  lambs in the paddock alongside our garden.    Nothing could lift the spirits more than the sight of these sweet little creatures having such fun in their new surroundings.   The best time is at the end of the day, just before dusk, when it seems as if the mother sheep send the little ones off to use up their energy before bedtime (just as we used to do!).    All sixteen babes group together and then set off alongside the fence at a mad dash, stop, turn round, and all race back again   Meantime, the Mums take advantage of a bit of peace and quiet, and happily chew the cud, looking up from time to time just to keep an eye on their energetic offspring.

The funniest thing was to see the two Exmoor ponies' reaction to their new lodgers.    They watched them quietly feeding with much interest, but when the young lambs set off on one of their scampers, the two of them joined in with enthusiasm, and we held our breath, expecting some of lambs to be trodden underfoot, but all seem to have survived.

For the ponies, Scrumpy and Dragonfly, the coming of the warmer weather has signalled the time to get rid of their warm winter coats, which have served them well through snow and ice.    To do this they have both spent long sessions rubbing themselves against the wire fencing beside the rhyne, which must have been a very pleasurable semsation for them, judging by the look on their faces!  

They say that Nature wastes nothing, and as soon as bits of the ponies' fluffy coats get left on the fence, or on the grass below, birds dive down to gather up the cosy material to line their springtime nests.   Recycling at its best!   Though there is another recycling project going on between paddock and our garden too - the young lady who owns Dragonfly often comes to visit him, and always spends time gathering up quantities of the manure left by him and deposits it over the fence for us.    John has been busy spreading it around the garden during the past couple of months, so we hope for a really good crop of veggies and flowers this summer!

Best Mates .......  and great neighbours!

What We Two Love Best about Living Here.

John and I were fascinated to read Jenny’s list of what she loves about Australia (and the things she misses),   and then found ourselves delighted by Kim’s list of what she loves about living in Britain.

 It got us both thinking really seriously about why we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else but HERE, and we decided to chip in with our own blog on the subject..   However, between us we came up with a list that was SO long- and getting longer all the time -  that we decided it was an utterly impossible task.

Still an’ all, at the end of the day, all things considered, in the final analysis, etc. etc.. we reckoned it all came down to one thing ……. 

We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else because (almost) all the people we love best in the whole world  are here. Aaaahhhhhhh