Sunday 10 April 2011

What We Two Love Best about Living Here.

John and I were fascinated to read Jenny’s list of what she loves about Australia (and the things she misses),   and then found ourselves delighted by Kim’s list of what she loves about living in Britain.

 It got us both thinking really seriously about why we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else but HERE, and we decided to chip in with our own blog on the subject..   However, between us we came up with a list that was SO long- and getting longer all the time -  that we decided it was an utterly impossible task.

Still an’ all, at the end of the day, all things considered, in the final analysis, etc. etc.. we reckoned it all came down to one thing ……. 

We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else because (almost) all the people we love best in the whole world  are here. Aaaahhhhhhh

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