Sunday 9 August 2009

Wonders and Wishes - a Postscript.

I decided that my new acquisition should have a name. It is beefy and robust, so has to be masculine. What better appellation for a Water Feature than …….. Walter (which is bound to be shortened to Wally, or Walt.) I suppose, of course, that this will lead to comments from the family along the lines of ..’I see you haven’t turned your Walter on today …’ But I can take it.

We have christened Walter this afternoon by taking polite afternoon tea out on the studio terrace beside him. We may both have been in our dirty gardening clothes, but we drank from fine bone china and partook of chocolate biscuits.

As I write it’s not far off yard-arm time, and still hot and sunny …… so I think we’ll be joining Walter for gin and tonic any time now!

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