Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Everso 'CROSS' Scarecrows

Here in the village we have just enjoyed a Scarecrow Fun Weekend. I couldn’t believe the extent of creative genius lying hidden in this beautiful rural haven, which blossomed amazingly in gardens all round the village on Saturday morning. Happy hours were spent meandering along the lanes, meeting up with friends and neighbours exchanging gossip and appreciating the exhibits. Passing cars, which usually career through our village ignoring the 30mph signs, crawled along instead with windows wound down, and happy faces peering out.

There were over 50 scarecrows on view, but here is a taste of some of those I found particularly appealing.

Neighbours across the road from us celebrated a wedding that very day ….. so took the opportunity to join in the fun. Thankfully the weather was fine, so the bridal couple were able to leave the village church and ride their own horses a mile or so to the Wedding Reception.

This fabulous Pirate won the prize for best single exhibit.

…… and this amazing piloted aeroplane, and marooned parachutist, won the best tableau.

Topical scarecrows included a superb Michael Jackson, and such a clever tableau ‘Catching Swine Flu’ (see the flying pig, and butterfly net!)

Nursery rhymes were well represented .. Mary, Mary, and Little Miss Muffet.

Others included a fisherman, centurion, crow, caterpillar, and gardener (excused gardening with a very nasty looking foot injury!)


A skier careering down the roof must have taken some ingenuity to set up …..

…. And I loved this Scarecrow, made redundant at Harvest Time after sterling service out on the fields all summer, who was busy filling in his Benefits Form.

Some say that nothing much happens in the country, but what with us both getting First Prizes in the Photography, and Literacy Sections at the Village Flower Show the previous weekend, and a couple of jolly evenings during the past week supping with neighbours and enjoying quantities of good wine – needing only to stagger home on foot – I’d say that country living has a lot to recommend it.


  1. Those scarecrows are all amazing - I don't know how everyone thinks of such original ideas! Well done on your village flower show prizes too!

    Jenny xxx
