Wednesday 10 February 2010


'GRANDMOTHER'  from 'Mother & Home Magazine.
5th February 1910.

Another new gown, as I declare!
How many more is it going to be?
And your forehead is all hid in a cloud of hair -
'Tis nothing but folly, that I can see.
The maidens of nowadays make too free;
To right and to left the money is flung:
WE used to dress as became our degree -
But things have altered since I was young.

'Stuff' in my time was made to wear,
Gowns we had never but two or three:
Did we fancy them spoilt if they chanced to tear?
And shrink from a patch or a darn? not we!
For pleasure, a gossiping dish of tea,
Or a mushroom hunt, while the dew yet hung,
And no need next day for the doctor's fee -
But things have altered since I was young.

A yellow gig, and a drive to the fair,
A keepsake bought in a booth on the lea:
A sixpence perhaps to break and share -
That's how your grandfather courted me.
Did your grandmother blush, do you think.. not she
When he found her, the churn and the pails among?
Or your grandfather like her the less?  not he
But things have altered since I was young.

Child, you pout, and you urge your plea -
Better it were that you held your tongue!
Maids should learn at their elders' knee -
But things have altered since I was young.
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THAT Grandparent must have been born circa 1840 or so ...... 
Some things never change!