Tuesday 23 February 2010


We had a truly exhilerating evening on Saturday when Kim and Martin so kindly treated us all to a family outing to see Encore Youth Theatre's production of 'Godspell' at the Theatre Royal in Winchester.

Right from the very start the packed audience were totally revved up to enjoy every moment.  It being the Last Night, the theatre was filled to capacity with what must surely have been schoolfriends, parents, and grandparents, who had all come to cheer on their friends and relatives.  After every number there was ear-splitting applause, whistling, and yelling.  The whole atmosphere was at such high voltage it was impossible not to get caught up in all the excitement, and be really amazed by the astonishingly talented and energetic teenagers.

Of course for us, and I'm sure many others, Vicki was the real star of the show.  She can sing, dance, and act with such flair - she gave us such a great evening!  Well done Vicki - you warmed the cockles of your Grandparents' hearts.

I'm sure Martin will be producing great photos of this super occasion - the only ones we have of a very happy and memorable weekend were taken next day during a most enjoyable meander through Winschester's history, with dear Rosie as our very capable and imaginative guide.

Thank you ALL for everything! xxxxx


  1. Sounded like a super weekend!

    x x Jenny x

  2. PS I've just noticed you've changed your blog background! Lovely :-) x
