Thursday 18 March 2010

***** CELEBRATIONS *****

What a super week we have just enjoyed! Our ‘middle’ daughter’s birthday, our 49th Wedding Anniversary, and Mothers’ Day. All celebrated in the glorious sunshine which has blessed us down here for days.

The birthday trip coincided with our first visit to Kerry’s new home near The Mumbles. She has a lovely flat with a view from her bay windown down to the sea shimmering below. Just a hundred yards down the road is a delightful sandy, rocky cove, and we were able to walk from there around Langland Bay and beyond. I had never imagined it would be so beautiful – in my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined anywhere more perfect for her. We can’t live other’s lives for them, so cannot know what problems might lurk in the future, but for now Kerry seems happy, and certainly enjoyed her birthday very much indeed, as did we!

Our Anniversary, a few days later, was spent at our favourite hidey-hole down near South Molton.   We played golf, we swam, we bubbled in the jacuzzi, we ate and drank too much fine food and wine, and revelled in having been upgraded to one of the Hotel's superior bedrooms.   Had anyone told me on our Wedding Day, that 49 years hence we would be fit enough to stride the Devon hills following a small white ball, and would still be taking great pleasure in each other's company, I surely would not have believed them.                                                                                                                                                      

Certainly all those years ago I couldn’t have imagined being the mother of five unbelievably wonderful adults, who send lovely cards and presents on Mothers’ Day …… and best of all, however far away, they get in touch so that on one special day I get to catch up with each of them. Truly, this is what life is all about.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhh.............
    'twas all most anjoyable xxx

  2. It is so good to see Kerry looking so well and great that she has found herself such a nice place to live. xxx

  3. It seems so funny here in Oz that you are talking about 'glorious sunshine' whilst being pictured wrapped up in thick jackets!!!! It does look really lovely there at The Mumbles though, and I'm glad you had a super anniversary break too... and of course a lovely Mothers Day. You and your flowers both look delightful! Big hugs, Jenny x x x

  4. Here in England in March, glorious sunshine all day is a real treat Jen - we don't expect it to be warm too! My goodness, it snowed yesterday .... weather-wise we take our pleasures where we can! xx
